Using all their senses
      ...a few examples
  Before children start school, it would help if they could...
Illustration by Andrea Elovson, from The Kindergarten Survival Handbook See differences in size
    between similar objects
    and say which is smaller
    and which is larger.
Tell if two sounds you make are the same or different,
then tell you what they are.

Try running a little water,    
then a lot.    

Illustration by Andrea Elovson, from The Kindergarten Survival Handbook
Illustration by Andrea Elovson, from The Kindergarten Survival Handbook Tell if two smells are the same or different.
Identify several different foods by smell alone.
Identify some objects
only by touch

Illustration by Andrea Elovson, from The Kindergarten Survival Handbook
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Copyright © Parent Education Resources from The Kindergarten Survival Handbook
Part 1, "The Before-School Checklist"