Small movement skills ...a few examples
Before children start school, it would help if they could...
Know how to use a spoon
and a fork    
and maybe a knife    
to eat with correctly    
Illustration by Andrea Elovson, from The Kindergarten Survival Handbook
Illustration by Andrea Elovson, from The Kindergarten Survival Handbook Hold a pencil or crayon
    with their thumb
    and fingers
Do buttons
on the front of their clothes    
and know how to open    
and close snaps, zippers, and buckles    
Illustration by Andrea Elovson, from The Kindergarten Survival Handbook
Illustration by Andrea Elovson, from The Kindergarten Survival Handbook Turn water faucets on and off.

          Open a door by turning the knob.
Cut with a scissors
small ones that work.    
Illustration by Andrea Elovson, from The Kindergarten Survival Handbook
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Copyright © Parent Education Resources from The Kindergarten Survival Handbook
Part 1, "The Before-School Checklist"