Is your child ready for Kindergarten?
     Going to school for the first time is one of the most important experiences in a child's life. School can be an exciting place, where children meet new and different people and get to do many new and different things. There's a lot to see, a lot to do, and a lot to learn. What children need to know
     If children are ready for kindergarten, it can be a wonderful experience that makes them feel good about themselves, good about school, and eager to learn.

     But if children aren't ready, beginning school can be confusing and embarassing, even frightening. Both boys and girls can start to feel bad about themselves, to dislike school, and not do as well as they could. This can happen if a child hasn't been to any school before, is new to the neighborhood or the country, or speaks a different language than most of the other children. Once a child feels this way, it can be very hard to change.

     Many children also go to school unprepared because their parents, or others who care for them, are not aware of what children need to know to be ready for school, and that parents, themselves, are the best people to teach these things to children.

     But it doesn't have to be this way. The Kindergarten Survival Handbook was written to help parents understand what children need to know, and how they, themselves, can become children's best, as well as their first and most important, teachers.

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